Muehlhan Wind Service recently asked its Blade Department Team Leader to describe one of his working days...

Helder Santos said: “In May 2020, my team and I were working on a blade project in Norway where our main task was to perform retrofit on blades. Our day would start with a breakfast together at the hotel and from 7 am to 5 pm we were working at the site. First, we started with the daily toolbox meeting and then following up on all the procedures to stop the turbine and set up the materials needed in order to start the work. When we had curing time we would usually rest in the nacelle and prepare for the next step in the job while also getting to know each other. My job as a Team Leader is to teach my team members how Muehlhan Wind Service as a company is working, following their internal rules and procedures etc. in order to secure that the work is done in a safe way and according to specific WI, quality standards as well as the agreed timeline. I prioritize that the work is safely performed and well organized to secure the highest quality and “best practices“. It is very important for me as a person to keep the teams happy and motivated, and to give my new colleagues a good and safe start in the company.”

GWO Training

If you have an interest in the wind industry or you'd like to start spending your days as a wind turbine blade technician, email the team or call 0330 202 0668 for more information on how to get your wind career started.

You can also book GWO Blade Repair training on the AIS Training website >>

And don't forget 0% finance is available on all courses and packages over £280. AIS Training have created a number of discounted course packages >> to help you start your career in the wind industry.