According to a recent article by energy skills body OPITO, they have “set out a strategy to prepare the UK oil and gas industry for a shift in skills requirements over the next six years."

OPITO’s Skills Landscape 2019 – 2025 report is said to reveal how technology advances, internationalisation and the transition to a lower carbon future are accelerating changing skills demands in the sector.

"It is expected that around 80% of the current workforce will still be working within the industry in 2025, taking into account natural attrition and retirement. The opportunity to retain these skills, as well as upskill and reskill the workforce as the industry adapts to take advantage of new technologies and different ways of working, is substantial.

In just six years it is estimated the industry needs to attract 25,000 new people and 4,500 of those will be into completely new roles that do not currently exist in areas such as data science, automation and new materials. Future roles may include ‘Artificial Intelligence Business Developer’, ‘Virtual Reality Journey Builder’ and ‘3D Material Scientist’.”

Read the full article here.

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